Changes for July 26, 2023

This release includes several enhancements to improve RMP's overall functionality and user experience.


  • Change the minimum setup unit for currencies
  • Allowed advertisers to set campaign start date and end date as the same
  • You can now set different budget range values per ad type
  • Enabled allowed inventory feature
  • Gray-out creative depending on whether it is included or not to campaign on dashboard
  • Added the type column to the downloaded CSV report of the ad account summary
  • Fixed the issue with the page load performance of the campaign dashboard is significantly degraded when there are too many catalog items attached to the campaign
  • Fixed the issue with report metrics are not fully displayed in the campaign dashboard when the campaign has over 5k items.
  • Launched campaign guidance feature
  • Enforce max target ROAS when creating a campaign.

The RMP team strives to provide the best service with feature updates and improvements. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.