
October 2024

Product updates

Sponsored Brands

  • Ad type that allows platform customers to configure various ad elements (banner, logo, headline, call-to-action, landing) for a more expressive ad that can highlight both brands through creative elements and product images.

Google Merchant Feed support

  • Customers can use their existing catalog feed for Google Shopping ads to integrate into MCM

Wallet enhancements

  • Added UI for Top-up & Withdrawal functions within the Campaign Manager portal.
  • Optional comment fields for Top-Up and Withdraw transactions, enhancing clarity and providing an auditing trail.
  • Added Automatic ad account activation upon Top-up when the wallet is set above the deactivation threshold.
  • Added detailed error messages which provide clear explanations, including real-time ad spending values to assist platform users with withdrawal errors.

API changes


  • The WithdrawWallet API Allows platforms to make adjustments to the amount of CREDITS applied to a wallet.

Documentation updates



The MCM team strives to provide the best service with feature updates and improvements. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.