Campaign management

Moloco Commerce Media provides three options for campaign management. Customers should pick one option that best suits their business needs.

  • Option A: Moloco’s Standalone Campaign Manager
  • Option B: Moloco’s Widgetized Campaign Manager
  • Option C: Build your own Campaign Manager with Moloco’s APIs

Widgetized vs Standalone

The Widgetized campaign manager provides a subset of the standard standalone campaign manager's features in a more compact UI layout. The table below explains what features are provided on a Widgetized campaign manager over a standalone.

You may still use the campaign manager in standalone mode after setting up the widgetized campaign manager. One of the most popular options is to integrate the widgetized campaign manager with the existing seller portal to provide easier access to sellers/advertisers and use the Standalone campaign manager for platform-level administrative features such as creative review and inventory management.

UIFully FeaturedCompact
Campaign management
Ad Account management
Platform management
(e.g., user management, creative review, inventory management, spending control…)

User roles

If you choose Standalone or Widgetized, you can fully utilize Moloco Commerce Media’s role-based access control system. A user can have multiple roles. For example, a user can simultaneously be an ad account owner and a user of the ad account.

Platform ownerThe marketplace owner. It can access all available features, including Wallet, Creative Review, and user management.
Ad account ownerThe individual advertisers in your marketplace. It has access to all ad account-level features and can manage access to their ad accounts.
Ad account userAd account users have access to their ad accounts but can’t manage access to those ad accounts.
Ad account agencyThe agency user. It can manage campaigns of the ad accounts to which they have been granted access but cannot manage the users of those ad accounts.

Campaign States


For the full list of campaign states please see About campaign states