Management API Error Categories
This guide provides an overview of the various error codes you may encounter when using our API, along with a description of the error and recommended actions.
Error Code | Enum | Description | What to do |
1 | INPUT_VALIDATION | The input you provided failed validation checks. | Double-check your input, make sure it adheres to the required format or parameters, and try again. |
100 | TIMESTAMP_MISMATCH | The timestamp provided doesn't match the latest value. | Read the target entity again and retrieve the latest timestamp value. |
1000 | FEATURE_NOT_ALLOWED | The feature you're trying to use is not allowed for your platform. | Review the service terms to understand which features are permitted. |
2000 | REINVITE_NOT_ALLOWED | The user already exists in the ad account/platform and cannot be re-invited, except for ad account agency users. | - |
2001 | LAST_OWNER_REVOKE_NOT_ALLOWED | The last remaining owner's permissions cannot be revoked. | Ensure at least one other owner is present before attempting to revoke permissions. |
2002 | LAST_OWNER_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED | Deleting the last remaining owner is not permitted. | Ensure at least one other owner is present before attempting to delete. |
3000 | INSUFFICIENT_SPENDING_LIMIT | The ad account had been suspended due to reaching its spending limit and was reactivated with no change in the limit. | Increase the spending limit. |
3001 | AD_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_OWNED | The ad account you are attempting to add is already owned by another ad manager account. An ad account can only be owned by an ad manager account at a time. | Exclude the conflicting ad account ID or remove the existing owner for the ad manager account and retry. |
3002 | INSUFFICIENT_WALLET_BALANCE | The wallet you are attempting to withdraw from does not have enough remaining balance. | Request withdraw amount less than the wallet’s remaining balance. |
4000 | MAX_CAMPAIGN_COUNT_REACHED | The ad account has reached the maximum number (1,000) of campaigns allowed. | - |
4001 | MODIFY_ARCHIVED_CAMPAIGN_NOT_ALLOWED | Modifications to archived campaigns are not permitted. | Unarchive the campaign before making any changes. |
4002 | INVALID_CAMPAIGN_STATUS_FOR_ARCHIVE | The campaign's current status doesn't allow it to be archived. | Change the campaign status to one that can be archived (PAUSED or ENDED), and then try again. |
4004 | INACTIVE_AD_ACCOUNT | The ad account you are attempting to create an enabled campaign under is inactive. An enabled campaign can’t be created under the inactive ad account. | Please activate the ad account to create an enabled campaign or create a campaign in disabled status. The ad account can be inactive due to several reasons: out of budget, reached spending limit, or internal issues. |
5000 | EXCEED_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE | The asset's file size exceeds the platform's maximum allowed size. | Use a smaller image or increase the maximum image size in the configuration settings. |
Updated about 1 month ago