Integration Workflow
The diagram below represents an overview of the integration of your platform with Moloco Commerce Media.

High level MCM Integration Architecture
The integration of Moloco Commerce Media requires the completion of the following steps, your Moloco representative will guide you through this process. Please review the following information and discuss your unique needs with Moloco.
- Catalog Feed Create a catalog feed containing a list of all items and metadata on your e-commerce platform.
- Streaming User Event Data Integrate the Event API to sent user event data to Moloco Commerce Media.
- Ad Serving and tracking Integrate the Decision API and tracking URLs to serve ads.
- Campaign Manager Choose a Campaign Manager or Build your using the Management API
When the integration is complete your Moloco representative will perform a quality assurance test.
MCM Sandbox
The MCM sand box allows customers to test and experience Moloco Commerce Media APIs. Please see our MCM Sandbox documentation for more details.
Updated 6 days ago