Ad campaigns

Ad Campaigns

Ad campaigns promote products through different types of media. Within their ad account advertisers configure settings for each campaign type and specify the items or image banners to advertise to onsite users. Three types of campaigns are featured in Moloco Commerce Media: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brand, and Sponsored Banner.

Sponsored Products

Sponsored Product is a targeted advertising solution that enables advertisers to promote products with ads that appear in highly visible placements on their platform’s app and website.

Sponsored Banner

Sponsored Banner supports creative ad formats which enable advertisers to promote their brand and products with creative banner images in highly visible placements. on a platform’s app and website.

Sponsored Brand

Sponsored Brand allows advertisers to showcase multiple products from the same ad account/brand in a product carousel format. This feature enables the creation of more dynamic and engaging ads by displaying a series of products that shoppers can browse through, providing more exposure and interaction with the featured brand.

Components of a Campaign

Bidding Strategies

There are 3 bidding strategies for Sponsored Product Ads. Please see the documentation links below for full details on each strategy and targeting options.

Advertisement Targeting

Placement Targeting

Placement targeting is a feature that allows platform owners and advertisers more control over where ads will be displayed and allows advertisers to reach a specific audience. For further details on each strategy and targeting options please see the documentation links below.

Audience Targeting

Audience targeting is an advanced targeting solution that is designed to show advertisements only to customers of a desired group for developing audience specific ad strategies. For more details on each targeting methods please see the documentation links below.



Please see our FAQ for answers to common campaign questions.