Catalog feed

Moloco uses catalog metadata to train our machine-learning algorithms and synchronize seller and item information. Integration of Catalog item metadata is delivered via a Catalog feed file (CSV format) which is uploaded to Moloco on a set schedule defined by the platform owner. Please review the information below to choose the integration method and schedule options for your platform.

Catalog Feed Specifications

MCM catalog feed specifications vary depending on whether you choose SSPI (Single Seller Per Item) or MSPI (Multi Seller Per Item) feeds. Use the specification guides below to format your catalog feed. Submitting your item data to Moloco in the correct format is critical for creating successful ads. Moloco uses catalog information to ensure ad campaigns can be managed with proper item information.

SSPI (Single Seller Per Item)

MSPI (Multiple Sellers Per Item)

  • MSPI catalog feed specification uses a many-to-many (n:m) relationship, where a single item ID within the platform can be associated with multiple seller IDs.

Full Update Feed (Required)

The Full Update Feed is a catalog file containing a list of all items and metadata on your platform. The full update is typically imported daily at a designated time (e.g., Daily at 9 AM) due to its comparatively large size. However, you may request more frequent daily updates (e.g., Daily every 4 hours) if the file size is less than 10 GB. You may also utilize the Incremental Update Feed for more frequent updates.

  • Prepare a .csv or a compressed file **(.csv.gz)**with a list of all items in your marketplace and associated metadata. The compressed format is preferred.

Incremental Update Feed (Optional)

If you would like to update ad items in your marketplace more frequently, you can use an incremental update feed in addition to your full update feed. The incremental feed should include a subset of items found in the full update feed. The feed should consist of recent additions, updated items, and deleted items.

  • To use the Incremental Update Feed, prepare a .csv or a compressed file (.csv.gz).
  • The Incremental Update Feed may include additional class and update_time fields. Please review the catalog feed specifications below for further information on supported fields.

Feed Schedules

Platform owners must set an update feed export schedule, Moloco will import the catalog feed file at the specified time. Please reach out to your Moloco representatives during your onboarding to set the export interval for your platform.

Full Update:

  • Daily Update (Example: Every day at 4:00 am UTC)
  • Multiple Daily Updates (Example: Every 4 hours starting at 00:00 am UTC)

Incremental Update:

  • The incremental interval must be more frequent than the full update interval.
    (Example: Every hour between 1:00 am and 1:00 pm UTC)


Click here to see a sample incremental update feed file

Catalog Feed Integration

You must provide a dedicated catalog feed transmission mechanism for Moloco to access and import your catalog. Please review our Catalog Feed integration page for more information.

Third Party Catalogs

MCM Supports the Google Merchant Feed and Naver EP catalog formats, for more information please see our documentation on third-party catalog support

Catalog Error Handling

Contextual Errors

Rows containing contextual errors, such as invalid enum types, incorrect case, incorrect strings, and empty values for required fields are not imported. (i.e. The item in the invalid row will not be available for advertising).


If the total number of rows with contextual errors exceeds 3,000, the catalog feed import will be rejected.

CSV Format Errors

If the catalog contains CSV format errors, such as a row’s length not matching the CSV headers, the catalog feed import will be rejected immediately.