Advertisement Targeting

Advertisement targeting refers to strategies and methods used to deliver ads to specific ad placements and audiences based on various criteria. These targeting methods help advertisers optimize their ad campaigns by reaching the most relevant audiences, resulting in improved performance and effectiveness. Moloco provides the following targeting methods for Sponsored Product campaigns.

Placement Targeting

Placement targeting is a feature that allows platform owners and advertisers more control over where ads will be displayed and allows advertisers to reach a specific audience. Advertisers can choose one of the following 2 options for placement targeting.

Automatic targeting

Automatic targeting utilizes sophisticated machine learning algorithms to determine the optimal timing, and placement for displaying your ads to maximize your advertising campaign.

Manual targeting

Manual targeting provides controls to specify when and where an ad campaign appears. Campaign performance can vary depending on the manual settings below:

  • Search

    • Select All will bid on all search keywords related to the campaign items automatically. This option allows ads to be displayed on any search page associated with the item, regardless of the specific search keywords. It provides broader exposure as the ads can appear on any relevant search result page.

    • Target Keywords provide control over when your ad appears by matching your specified keywords with shoppers’ search terms.
      • Target Keywords control when an ad appears by matching keywords with a shopper's search term. The bid amount to be determined is based on the campaign target. (e.g. Target ROAS)
      • Negative Keywords control when an ad should not appear by filtering out search terms that include negative keywords.
  • Placement

    • Allows control over what page types should be prioritized for displaying ads. MCM supports the following Placement types:
      • Home
      • Product Detail
      • Category Home
      • Cart
      • Checkout
      • Search
      • Search all (optional: Negative keywords)
      • Target Keywords (optional: Negative keywords)

Audience Targeting

Audience targeting is an advanced targeting solution that is designed to show advertisements only to customers of a desired group for developing audience specific ad strategies. This feature allows an advertiser to leverage their own 1st party data or bring in 3rd party data elements. Audience targeting provides several benefits, including increased campaign effectiveness, improved ad relevance, and enhanced user experience. The specific group targeted is segmented by characteristics of the shopper's behavior.

Audience targeting offers 2 options: Automatic targeting and Manual targeting for both new and existing shoppers.

Automatic targeting

  • Automatic audience targeting leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to automatically identify and target the most relevant users for each ad campaign. This approach optimizes ad performance by dynamically adjusting the target audience based on user behavior and other relevant data points.

Manual targeting

Manual targeting offers greater control over budget allocation by allowing advertisers to specify the type of audience to target. Manual audience supports the following two options:

  • Existing Customers

    • This option identifies shoppers who have made a purchase from the ad account within N number of days. (e.g., 60 Days).
  • New customers

    • This option identifies shoppers who have not made a purchase from the ad account within N days. (e.g., 90 Days)