Sponsored Product campaign creation

Sponsored Product Settings

Sponsored Product campaign settings, advertisers must specify the following information:


Please see Sponsored Product bidding strategies for full details on bidding strategies.

Sponsored Product Campaign Settings (Table)

TitleTitle of the Ad Campaign
Budget DurationSelect either a Daily or Weekly budget duration.
Budget AmountThe advertiser must specify a budget amount for each of their campaigns.
ScheduleFor each of the advertiser’s campaigns, the advertiser must specify a start date for the campaign with an optional end date.
ItemsAdvertisers need to specify the items they are promoting for the ad campaign. Advertisers can add up to 5000 items to a single campaign. When a selected item wins an auction, the associated ad from the campaign will be sent out as a part of the API response.
Bidding StrategyThe advertiser can choose either “Optimize ROAS”, “Max Sales”, or “Manual Bidding”.
Target ROASWhen the bidding strategy is set to ‘Optimize ROAS’, advertisers must set their preferred target ROAS. The system adjusts the bid price based on the target ROAS chosen.
Maximize SalesA smart bidding strategy to get maximum sales within a budget. The underlying machine learning system will predict performance and optimize your bids in real time to deliver maximum sales. Supports Automatic and Manual Targeting
CPCWhen the bidding strategy is set to ‘Manual bidding’, advertisers must provide the amount they are willing to pay for each click on the ad.
Audience TargetingAutomatic targeting:

- Select automated targeting to utilize MCMs machine learning algorithms to maximize your advertising campaign
Manual targeting:
- Select either Existing customers or New Customers: - Use these options to identify customers who have or have not made a purchase within x number of days or months on the e-commerce site.
Placement TargetingAutomatic targeting:

- Automated targeting to determine the optimal timing and placement of ads to maximize an advertising campaign.
Manual targeting:
- Controls to specify when and where an ad campaign appears.