What is Moloco Commerce Media

Moloco Commerce Media (MCM) is a technology solution that empowers marketplaces and retailers to build and scale a commerce media business (i.e., sponsored ads). Moloco’s solution helps platforms leverage and activate their first-party data to deliver highly relevant and performant ads, automate ad decision-making, and scale their ads business.

Moloco Commerce Media's growth flywheel

MCM's growth flywheel

Supported ad formats

With Moloco Commerce Media, e-commerce platforms can operate the following ad formats.

  • Sponsored Product: Native product listing ads across the commerce experiences (home, category, product detail page (PDP), cart, etc.)
    • Search Ads: Extension of Sponsored Product, natively supports ads based on a particular search query, with keyword targeting.
  • Sponsored Brand: Native product listing ads to showcase multiple products from the same ad account/brand in a product carousel format
  • Sponsored Banner (display): Creative/image-based ads across the commerce experiences
Moloco RMP's Ad Experiences

MCM's ad experiences

Moloco Commerce Media supports general B2C, B2B, and C2C e-commerce marketplaces, retail platforms, and digital aggregators like food delivery.

The key components of Moloco Commerce Media help marketplaces and retailers create thriving and profitable ad businesses while empowering brands or sellers to use ads to find highly qualified users, drive more sales with high efficiency, manifested in a higher return-on-ad-spend (ROAS), and delight users with relevant and engaging ads.

Machine learning engine behind MCM

MCM's ML engine ingests the marketplaces' or retailers' first-party user event data to power personalized ad experiences for each impression. User behavior, intent, and context are some of the key elements in predicting relevant items and accurate click-through rates (CTRs) and conversion rates (CVRs) needed for a high-performing ad system.



All the machine learning data, training, and inferences are performed in a silo within each customer instance. This ensures no data is exposed, shared, or used across customers.

The auction engine

Moloco Commerce Media's auction engine is designed to help maximize the efficiency and the business outcome of the commerce media business, such as the ad spend on the platform. Moloco Commerce Media supports various auction types (e.g., first- or second-price auction), bidding methods (e.g., CPC, CPM, PPO), and automation and optimizations (e.g., smart bidding).

The Campaign Management System

The campaign management system provides an easy-to-use and intuitive user interface critical in activating, managing, and scaling advertisers. Moloco Commerce Media provides the following system options: 1) a stand-alone, ready-to-use self-serve campaign manager, 2) a widget embedded within the existing brand or seller portal, and 3) APIs for platforms to create and operate their custom campaign manager.

What’s Next

Please continue to the following sub-topics for more detailed information on how MCM functions.